Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Evolution of the Healing Thumb

A couple weeks ago, NE slammed her thumb in the back screen door--really hard! She had been crying anyway because I was making her come in, so it took a minute for me to realize that that's a real cry, not just whining!

She is one tough cookie. Of course, she didn't like it when Dad had to squeeze out the infection about a week after the event, but all in all has really been a trooper. There's still a bruise, but she doesn't seem to notice it at all anymore.

I wondered if this might cure her of her thumb-sucking habit, but she had no problem switching thumbs!

Just for you, Janet

Here is the fourth picture from the fourth folder in My Pictures:
From last January, nine month old AE. If I remember correctly, she was bouncing/dancing to some music during her mealtime. This isn't the best picture capturing that effect, but it's the fourth picture in the fourth folder, and those were the stipulations...