Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Knock Knock

Who's There?
Banana, who?
Please don't cry!

~Courtesy of NE who will be three in August.

When LL was this age, her knock knock joke began with:
Ding Dong!

Now from ED:

Knock Knock
Who's There?
Cow goes
Cow goes, who?
No, cow goes "moo"!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Funny Quote

Last night the girls and I had a party while the boys went camping. We didn't get to all the amazing activities we planned (we will be painting our toenails another time), but definitely had fun! A new movie, dinner in the den, making cookies, and a new puzzle took up our time. One of the requests was chocolate milk at dinner. We rarely have this at our house except in the form of hot cocoa during the cold months. I don't know why. I just never think of it otherwise. Anyway, when I handed LL her cup she exclaimed, "Wow, Mom! Thanks! This is cold hot cocoa: my favorite!" Made me chuckle.

The men came home today smelling of campfire smoke and dirt. They had a blast! Amazingly, the bag of marshmallows is still about half full. I guess a guy can eat only so much burnt fluff. ED was so excited to get his own fishing pole in preparation for this overnighter. I was somewhat surprised to learn that he didn't break it out once--he ended up wanting to swim with the fish instead of catch them. Derrell didn't mind. He would go fishing if he needed to, but has never considered it enjoyable. Shh. Don't tell our son.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Leading Music

AM is really doing quite well for an eight-year-old. Sometimes the movements are backwards, but I bet half the population doesn't do any better! We've been working on it every so often.

The little sisters wanted to help out. LL is obviously trying to steal the show... silly girl!

This is a clip from family home evening. I tried to catch everyone who was "helping" with the conducting, but the men and baby stopped when the camera panned their way.

On another note, AE stands up in the middle of the room and takes a few steps every day. One of these days she'll actually believe she can keep going, and we won't be able to stop her. She is in a really fun stage: mimics everything and tries everything. She blows kisses and "talks" all the time. Answers, "ya" to almost every question. She hasn't ventured into the world of "No!', yet. My little brother, Matthew, called a bit ago. AE called him "ga-gu". Pretty dang good for 14 months! If memory serves, she speaks more clearly at this age than any of her older siblings. She still signs a few words (more, please, thank you, eat), but prefers to speak her form of our language now. The trick is interpretation.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Summer Swim League

ED and AM are now swimming every day. The YMCA started a new swim team just for the summer. There are about twenty kids ranging in age from 5 to 13, and only two have ever been on a swim team before. It's a great set-up for those of us who don't feel the need to push our children to win the Olympics. I'm really pleased.

They practice at the Y where there are kids' classes and nurseries for the three younger girls, and workout equipment for me. They practice for an hour a day getting instruction from one of the best coaches in the area and a bunch of teenagers from the year-round team.

There will be six meets against other "young" teams, (so there might actually be a chance of winning). It only costs $35 dollars. I can't believe it! I'll say it again, I'm really pleased! I think we'll plan to do this every summer. LL will get to be on it next year, and she can't wait.

Saturday, June 14, 2008


The third graders all got together for pirate-themed activities the last week of school.

Here is our resident buccaneer looking as mean as he can. (Not very mean, I know, but that's my son!) He knew just how everything needed to look, and I came close to creating it for him. He helped make the shirt--who wouldn't want to rip and cut? It's supposed to look like it's been through fights and storms. Holes, dried blood, dirt.

I have a nine-year-old boy!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Look Who's Been Busy

NE, staying true to form, has added another chapter to her book entitled, The Art of Mess-making. An exciting adventure, this latest installment includes a two-year-old, a wall, a picture frame, a floor, three pillows, two chairs, a table, two stuffed animals, three books, a shirt, and a GREEN PERMANENT MARKER. I say "exciting adventure", but that all depends on your viewpoint. For me, it was actually scarier than Psycho.

Here is a picture for your viewing pleasure.

The previous chapters involve water overflowing from the kitchen sink, dry lemonade mix in the living room, and decorating with a book of stamps. Stay tuned for more tales of her escapades! (I can't hope that this is the end, though I want to.)

Sunday, June 8, 2008


We had major thunderstorms last Wednesday. Multiple funnel clouds formed. There was a discrepancy among weather reporters about whether they actually formed into tornadoes, or not. Power went out a few times, hail the size of pennies, wind stronger than I've experienced, nervous children, Derrell gone. Needless to say, it was a memorable few hours!

We don't have a basement, so we were in our hall and bathroom during the worst of it. The next morning there was debris everywhere: a few trees have missing branches, and a telephone pole split.

Interestingly, even though there was a tornado warning for hours before it turned to a tornado watch (meaning one has formed and been sighted), the weather was calm and mild and sunny. Then the worst weather I've ever experienced, then calm and mild and sunny again. This is the third tornado in a month's time in our area. Last time it was in the city 15 miles north of us. One side of one street was especially affected. Houses were torn to pieces--one family in our stake has never found their couch. So, these twisters aren't huge, but still destructive.

One of the worst places to be during a tornado is in a car. Derrell was supposed to be home any minute, and I found myself pleading with the Lord for his safety. (The closest cell phone tower went down, so I couldn't get a signal for a couple hours. Consequently, I didn't know how or where he was.) He called sometime later and reported that he was still in DC. I am certain that the "inconvenience" of his activities lasting longer than expected was actually "protection" because it kept him away from the storm. I am grateful he is safe! I am grateful for prayer.

Monday, June 2, 2008

No, really

OK. So, I lied just a little bit. After closer inspection, it has been determined that there is no way that video could have been Derrell. He is a much better dancer! Oh, and he's about ten years younger, and MUCH better looking.

Yesterday, after an especially loud and raucous church experience, I decided we will practice being reverent Monday through Saturday. I'll ease them into it. Tonight we will sit quietly and listen to the lesson in Family Home Evening. Tomorrow we will sit quietly and watch a rather boring video on the Holy Land (I purchased it shortly after returning home from the study-abroad over there 14 years ago because it has to be good, right? I can't get rid of it even though it puts me to sleep, and I recognize the sites!). Wednesday we will sit quietly and listen to part of a talk from conference. You get the idea. Do you think it will work? If not, do you have any better ideas? More than half of the congregation at our church is children. My family isn't the only irreverent family. It makes it difficult.