Sunday, June 8, 2008


We had major thunderstorms last Wednesday. Multiple funnel clouds formed. There was a discrepancy among weather reporters about whether they actually formed into tornadoes, or not. Power went out a few times, hail the size of pennies, wind stronger than I've experienced, nervous children, Derrell gone. Needless to say, it was a memorable few hours!

We don't have a basement, so we were in our hall and bathroom during the worst of it. The next morning there was debris everywhere: a few trees have missing branches, and a telephone pole split.

Interestingly, even though there was a tornado warning for hours before it turned to a tornado watch (meaning one has formed and been sighted), the weather was calm and mild and sunny. Then the worst weather I've ever experienced, then calm and mild and sunny again. This is the third tornado in a month's time in our area. Last time it was in the city 15 miles north of us. One side of one street was especially affected. Houses were torn to pieces--one family in our stake has never found their couch. So, these twisters aren't huge, but still destructive.

One of the worst places to be during a tornado is in a car. Derrell was supposed to be home any minute, and I found myself pleading with the Lord for his safety. (The closest cell phone tower went down, so I couldn't get a signal for a couple hours. Consequently, I didn't know how or where he was.) He called sometime later and reported that he was still in DC. I am certain that the "inconvenience" of his activities lasting longer than expected was actually "protection" because it kept him away from the storm. I am grateful he is safe! I am grateful for prayer.


Kelly said...

That sounds so scary.
I'm so gald that everyone is okay.
It is experiences like these that brings everything right back into perspective.

Erin said...

Wow... that is scary. I served part of my mission in Lincoln, Nebraska and we had a tornado near by. The next day we went in with the Red Cross to deliver food and help clean up in some of the worst hit areas. It was a very humbling experience.

I'm so glad you were all safe!

Janet said...

I'm sorry to say that it doesn't get a whole lot better when your kids get older. My older kids still kick, pinch, giggle, push, etc. in church. It drives me nuts. This too will pass, I guess. It is so frustrating though. I would be so scared with tornado issues. I'm glad for pretty safe Idaho. I've had computer issues and left a few comments before but it would never save them, it would just go off line. Anyway Jayden wants to say Hi to Ethan. Here he is: Hi. We should get together some time- in a long time since you live clear across the United States. It must be scarry to have a tornado. We sure had a lot of fun together. I miss you living close to us. I like soccer too, but I hate to play goalie. You must be good at it. Do you like living with all those sisters? I like mine most of the time but a lot of times they are mean. See ya. Type back. Your friend, Jayden

Rachelle said...

Interestingly enough, I was to work late that day, due to a big meeting...but we had a tornado warning at work that posponed our meeting by 40 minutes. So, when I finally started driving for home aroud 5:45pm, I heard the tornado warning was for our area (Spotsy) and called John who was home with the kids to warn him. I also felt that I was protected by being inconvenienced at the late meeting. If it would have started on time and finished on time, I would have been in Stafford at the time they were announcing for listeners in cars to leave their cars and find shelter...SCARY!

Glad you are safe! I also had no idea that members of our stake were affected by the tornado a month or so ago...? WOW!

Take care!