But, I think I'm back to blogging!
D's crazy long year of residency is over. Life is not so busy. I am not so tired. It's time to get back to chronicling our happenings.
D has had an interesting experience since finishing his residency. His old job ended Sept. 10th. His new job was supposed to start the next week, but funding hadn't come through. They told him to fill out a bunch of paperwork, do some online training, and bill his hours as working from home, but not really giving him much work. So, we had a grand ol' time going out to eat, to movies, running errands, doing yard work, exercising, etc. while he was "working from home". Then, the week turned into three, and he's sorta going stir crazy. Transitioning from two full time jobs and commuting and writing a dissertation to
nothing is not easy. Gratefully, he's been getting a lot of good sleep! In the last three weeks, he has been applying to other jobs just in case the funding
never came through for the pentagon job. We are very humbled to now be faced with the "problem" of deciding WHICH position to take. I lost count of how many offers he's gotten. Most likely he'll choose to be employed by the government (Dept. of Homeland Defense) doing intelligence stuff. (Maybe he will write with more details when it's set in stone later this month or next.) All the offers have been for jobs in this area, so we feel quite confident that we will be staying here for some time.
ED loves middle school. We are so pleased at how well he has taken to all the changes and extra homework load associated with this transition. He is a good kid. He stands up for himself (being slightly built gives him ample opportunity), and is good-natured and witty. Since he decided that reading isn't such a bad thing last year, we've had to actually take his books away occasionally. I really hate doing that because we should just be celebrating the fact that he loves to read, but he does have to do his jobs and sleep... D says he remembers staying up well past midnight using a flashlight under his covers to read "just one more chapter" around this age, too. Soccer season is just about complete. ED is really looking forward to turning twelve next month. We are going to take him to the temple to do baptisms with D & T & M & H over Thanksgiving break. (Anyone have any family names that will be ready?)
AM is growing into a young lady--her patience with her little sisters is increasing, her thought processes are maturing, and her discipline to do what needs to be done (whether she wants to or not) is usually high. She is a social butterfly, and seems to get along with just about everybody. At a church talent show a couple weeks ago, we were blessed with a heart-swelling-with-pride moment when Anna got up to help a mentally-challenged girl (her same age) who was paralyzed with stage-fright by singing her song with her. AM put her arm around this girl and said, "It's OK. You can do it. I'll sing with you." Needless to say, there were quite a few wet cheeks in the cultural hall after witnessing such an amazing act of love. How sobering to have children who are better and braver than me. Gymnastics will start in a couple weeks for Anna and Laura.
LL has a grandmotherly teacher this year (2nd grade). After the yeller she had last year, we were praying for someone loving. Her first words off the bus the first day were, "My teacher is so nice!" We are grateful. She actually
wants to go to school most days, and she is thriving emotionally and academically. We've especially noticed her excelling reading skills at family scripture study. Her desire for order and truth is admirable, but can be a little uncomfortable at times. It's difficult for her to keep her mouth shut. "But, why shouldn't I tell that lady that she probably shouldn't eat so much? She's fat!" She honestly wants to share her wisdom to help others. We're working on social etiquette. ;-) And she is making progress. A while back she proudly announced, "I wanted to say what I was thinking about that man over there, but I kept it inside because it might not be very nice."
NE is a strong little girl. Both she and LL are built for athletics. NE is doing well in kindergarten. She can read real books now (well,
most of the words), and that has opened up her world. She is very responsible in getting up in the mornings, bathing, and packing her lunch. Sometimes she even packs it the night before! She loves riding the bus and feeling so grown up. She and AE get along swimmingly. Most nights they would rather play than go to bed. NE wants to take ballet lessons. Tomorrow she is getting her hair cut to maybe shoulder-length. It's close to her waist right now and always snarly.
All three school-aged girls have joined girl scouts. They are all very very very excited!
It is very quiet here during the days with only AE home. She plays well alone, and loves having both mom and dad all to herself. Her 3 yo personality is really starting to shine through. She is very lovey and cuddly and says, "I just love you so much!" all the time. She has also been talking a lot about being "great". Today she asked me, "Mom, are you great? Because Daddy says he is TRYING to be great, and I'M great, so are YOU great?" Then before I could respond, she answered, "Yes, you're great." AE talks about going to nursery with "all the babies", and I seem to recall that cousin Ella made similar comments. :-) She loves her long, blond curlies. There are no plans to cut them off (even though she did take the scissors to her bangs a couple weeks ago). All is normal around here!