Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Four of the five children like oatmeal.  And the other one tolerates it most of the time.  Especially when there's a good deal of sweetener added!  It's a quick, wholesome, and filling go-to breakfast around here.  I throw in a variety of goodies to keep it interesting.  In the past we've seen:
  • chocolate protein powder & peanut butter--they say it's like eating a candy bar
  • frozen fruit & honey or agave syrup
  • maple syrup & chopped nuts
  • vanilla protein powder, almond butter and strawberries--my favorite
You get the idea.   Just about anything is fair game.  Or so I thought...

Today a new ingredient was requested.


I had to think about that one.  Sorta makes it into a dessert instead of breakfast, in my mind.  In the end I conceded just so the oatmeal would get consumed.  Granted, since I didn't stipulate a maximum number, the bowls ended up looking like marshmallows with a touch of oatmeal instead of the other way around.

Oh, well.  Once in a while dessert for breakfast makes for a fun childhood memory, I suppose.  :)


Jules said...

I love it. None of my kids will eat it except the youngest I might try this.

Kelly said...