Monday, July 28, 2008

Secret Admirer

We just got a delivery. Love notes! Derrell's reads like this:
"Love Has spred to you! from your, Secret Aidmarer"

And mine:
"Love is nere when you are Here. Love, Your Secret Aidmierer"

I remember being eight, and leaving little notes for my parents. It's so fun to get them!

Her prayers are equally as encouraging. She often prays for us: that I will know that how I am is good enough; that Dad will remember that the Spirit will help him with his tests; that we all will be grateful for the vegetables from our garden...

Sometimes I wonder if what she is saying is a direct message from heaven. She is just like any other eight-year-old girls with siblings to tease, of course, but her prayers and notes can be so thought-provoking and gentle that I am often caught off guard. I sure am glad she is my daughter!


David Y. said...


I enjoyed your post. I kept thinking, "Well, she sounds an awful lot like Julie at that age." Read this excerpt from Dad's journal, dated November 25, 1985:

"I will never be able to express just how much strength I receive from hearing my precious nine-year-old daughter say this in her prayers – all of them: 'Please bless Dad that he will be OK and that he can be a good Bishop. And bless us that we will help him and support him.' My own feeble attempts to reach out to the Lord become immeasurably more powerful when coupled together with the faithful prayer of this little one. I’m grateful this Thanksgiving for my little Daughter Julie Dorene."

Like mother, like daughter!

Janet said...

That is so sweet. And I loved the above comment. That's why journals are such wonderful things. I need to write in mine better because before we know it our kids are gone and so are all the memories of the sweet things they do. I'm glad to be back to blogging although I have realized how much time it really takes. I love it but you do have to be careful. Talk to you soon.

Rachelle said...

that was so sweet! I felt like crying! Don't you love those sweet momnets?? It's so much better than hearing the constant "boy" talk/body sounds, etc!

Erin said...

The top comment left me in tears!! Actually, a sincere child's prayer is the closest thing to heaven in my book!

ALSO, I am reminded why I should be writing in my journal... ugg. I am SO bad at it. But what a blessing to have these tender words from your father. Incredible!